Rob’s Tasmania Trip

10 day squirt to Tasmania at the end of April.

On the Spirit of Tasmania, better than the good old Abel Tasman 🤢
Quick photo break with a bit of rock scrambling on the Enfield.
(North Coast Tas)
Bit of beach riding, lucky I’ve got a centre stand.
(Near Penguin, Tas)
That’s as cool as I get…
(Stanley, Tas)

Which is why you ALWAYS take a camp chair..

The Nut
Being accosted by anyone over the age of 50…again…😂
All the green…
Near Stanley, Tas
Old telegraph station
(Near Stanley, Tas)
Great escape
Off to the Wild West of Tasmania
6 hours of gravel roads and zero people
The lone ferry at Corinna
30kms of wild woolly beach
Me with all of my layers on, it’s bloody cold but beautiful.
Almost made it to Cradle Mountain
Freak snow storm, RACV to the rescue!

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