Day #4 – Kimba to Nundroo (467kms)

Nundroo, the crappiest roadhouse I’ve ever seen…in the middle of nowhere…but who cares! It was a bed!!!

Met a great guy (Alan) who had just done 14,000kms on his bike.

Silos everywhere
Nundroo roadhouse, the crappiest roadhouse I’ve ever seen. But is was a bed, so who cares!
Met Alan who had just done 14,000 kms on his bike!
Lost my battery cover somewhere near the Nullarbor, a runner occi strap to the rescue!
Lost my heat tape somewhere as well, the plastic jerry can of fuel over the unwrapped exhaust pipe, what could possibly go wrong…
Wrapped a strap around my chain and the buckle went between the chain and the sprocket, stretching the chain and putting the wheel out of alignment. The problem was finding a shifter at 7:30am on a Sunday morning in Kimba!
Truckers to the rescue! They had a full box of tools they were happy to lend me…as long as I didn’t take longer than their breakfast!

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