Day #22 – Litchfield to Darwin via Wagait Beach (380kms)

So today Michelle Mallia completed 4 out of the 5 rides in her top 200 Rides in Australia book.

We left our safari tent and headed for Wagait Beach and stood in the water.

Then had a look at a crash site for the Milady, a B-24 Liberator.

Then headed for Darwin!

Sad moment as we packed our bikes on a truck with Ceva then headed into town for the twilight cinema.

Flying out tonight. Sad to see our trip end, had some great times with Mish, best person to do this trip with and just a wonderful person full stop. ❤️

8,152 kms,

2 petrol run outs,
1 snapped muffler,
1 lost battery cover near Nullabor,
1 broken battery terminal,
3 chain readjustments due to over stretch ,
1 broken ratchet strap wrapped around chain.
1 lot of heat tape lost off muffler somewhere in Maralinga



Didn’t miss a beat 8,152 kms.

2 Thoughts

  1. Hi Rob & Mish

    Well done, what a great trip, enjoyed your blog, know the feeling well of the bulldust/sand trying to swallow the front end of your bike. Big effort, as I always say “what doesn’t kill you can only make you stronger”, you must be very happy.
    All the best for the future and your future adventures, maybe we’ll bump into one another on the road in the future.
    Keep the rubber side down.

    Cheers Alan

    ‘We ride not to escape life,
    but for life not to escape us’


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